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van het thema Boeken


De eerste editie van een boek is van de Egyptische koningin Nefertiti, van de vijfde dynastie (ongeveer 2400 voor Christus). Dit betrof een aantal papyrus-vellen, aan elkaar geplakt tot een rol.

Er bestaan veel postzegels gerelateerd aan de thema's boeken en boekdrukkunst.

Lees meer

1978, Reading 1v

scdp0992, Costa Rica, 1978

1972, Year of the book 1v

sce0427, Sri Lanka (ceylon), 1972

1987, Bible association 1v

sce0802, Sri Lanka (ceylon), 1987

1995, Tikiri Bandara Ilangaratna 1v

sce1087, Sri Lanka (ceylon), 1995

2000, L. Athulathmudali 1v

sce1279, Sri Lanka (ceylon), 2000

2009, Foot Lights Society 1v

sce30923, Sri Lanka (ceylon), 2009

1989, School books 1v

sce0850, Sri Lanka (ceylon), 1989

1985, Vesak s/s

sceb027, Sri Lanka (ceylon), 1985

1972, International year of the book 1v

scf0349, Congo (Republiek), 1972


1966, Unesco 1v

scf0110, Congo (Republiek), 1966


2009, Cyprus through the ages 8v m/s

scg30909, Cyprus, 2009


1990, Mixed issue 3v

scgp0745, Cyprus, 1990


1976, Children literature 1v

scgp0458, Cyprus, 1976


1974, Cypriotic studies 3v

scg0412, Cyprus, 1974


1958, Communist manifest 2v

sch0388, China Volksrepubliek, 1958

2015, Classic Chinese Literature 6v

schp31506, China Volksrepubliek, 2015

2012, Zhonghua bookstore 1v

sch31203, China Volksrepubliek, 2012


2018, Scientists 4v

sch31813, China Volksrepubliek, 2018


2018, Karl Marx 2v

sch31809, China Volksrepubliek, 2018


1996, Archives 4v

schp2754, China Volksrepubliek, 1996


2016, Reading Campaign 1v

sch31608, China Volksrepubliek, 2016

Eerste-dag envelop

2011, World book day 1v

sch31107, China Volksrepubliek, 2011

Eerste-dag envelop

1999, Return of Macau to China 2v

schp3095, China Volksrepubliek, 1999


2006, The art of writing 4v

scha0623, China Volksrepubliek, 2006

Eerste-dag envelop

1979, Youth & science s/s

schpb019, China Volksrepubliek, 1979


2003, Book art 2v, joint issue Hungary

schpn0319, China Volksrepubliek, 2003


1972, International year of the book 1v

scj0261, Centraal Afrika, 1972


1977, Bible week 1v

scj0510, Centraal Afrika, 1977


1979, Education 1v

scj0626, Centraal Afrika, 1979


2015, Defense Council 1v

sclp31504, Chili, 2015

1986, Literature 2v [:]

sclp1143, Chili, 1986

2004, 50 Years UNO 3v [::]

scl1669, Chili, 2004

1969, Bible translation 2v

sclp0710, Chili, 1969

1997, Int. book day 1v

sclp1820, Chili, 1997

1968, Molina 2v

sclp0683, Chili, 1968

1967, R. Dario 1v

sclp0662, Chili, 1967

1998, Capuciner 2v

sclp1851, Chili, 1998

1993, Jesuits 1v

sclp1546, Chili, 1993

1972, Year of the book 1v

scl0783, Chili, 1972


1981, A. Bello 3v

scl0964, Chili, 1981


1974, Overprint 1v

sclp0808, Chili, 1974


1972, Year of the book 3v

scmp0315, Cambodja, 1972

1960, Development 6v

scm0106, Cambodja, 1960

1983, Liberation 3v

scmp0450, Cambodja, 1983

1972, Year of the book s/s

scmpb026, Cambodja, 1972

2008, Arango Library 4v m/s

scop30814, Colombia, 2008

1972, 20 years ICETEX 1v

sco1221, Colombia, 1972


2017, E. Santos Castillo 1v

scop31706, Colombia, 2017


1996, Book promotion 1v

scop2022, Colombia, 1996


1993, Famous persons 4v [+]

scop1916, Colombia, 1993


2005, Don Quijote s/s

scob0510, Colombia, 2005

1986, Constitution centenary s/s

scopb040, Colombia, 1986

1997, Famous persons 2x12v m/s

scop2056kb, Colombia, 1997


1982, Europa cept, history 2v

sct0114, Turks Cyprus, 1982


1982, Europa, history s/s

sctb003, Turks Cyprus, 1982

Gebruikt of afgestempeld
Eerste-dag envelop

1973, Copernicus 3v

scvp1874, Cuba, 1973

1968, Int. children day 1v

scvp1405, Cuba, 1968

1969, A. von Humboldt 3v

scv1502, Cuba, 1969


1995, Postal museum 1v

scvp3800, Cuba, 1995


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